one of the little babes at the hospital kept saying na na na na na today. it was completely adorable. also, romanian babies have the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes in the world. ok, so most babies do. but they amp it up to a whole new level of gorgeous eyes and forever long eyelashes. kills me every time. they're completely gorgeous.
member how there's this brilliant kiddo in section 2? welp, as i said yesterday, kylee and me were trained on working with him. but today, we just went outside with him. they have a trampoline now, which must be new. it's super rad. and he completely loved it. i love this. also, i love the workers. they are so funny and kind. and the kids. let's be honest. they're adorable.
my kids are even adorable when one of their heads is thrashing as i try to hold them down to stop them from going to do something naughty, and it bangs into my zygomatic bone super hard. don't even worry. my cheek is only a little bit red and swollen. it's all good. my cheeks are always reddish anyway. the thing about the room i'm in, is that all the kids have distinct personalities that tend to err on the side of being slightly picky or ornery. or it takes a wee bit of time and patience to calm them down. or something. i don't even know how to explain it. i'm still working on figuring them out. add in the heat, and let's just say i'm exhausted 100 percent of the time. and being sweaty, frizzy-haired, and smelling odd has become the norm. obviously i'm a beautiful sight to see. obviously. aka, i've never looked so gross so many days in a row, and yet showered so often in all my life. minus maybe that awkward stage. that was no good. anyways. go figure.
you know how europe and europeans kind of have this peculiar smell to them? i think i'm starting to smell like that. i don't even know what the deal is. even when i shower. i've come to the conclusion that it must be the water. good thing i don't drink that water. my insides would smell weird too. bahaha. jokes.
at the hospital today, i saw four adorable babies. and i've concluded there are many little babies that i'm going to bring home with me. hope byu doesn't mind me having them in my apartment with me. i'm sure they'd love it. bahahaah. but seriously. i want to bring them all home with me!
tonight i seriously need to buckle down and write my culture proof write-ups. i've been a maaajor slacker in that regard. the writing them up part, i mean. it's bad. crack down time is coming. after dinner, of course. and maybe a little nap. haaaahaha. but really. i'm being serious.
fun fact: our electricity is out right now. and spent the entire day and last night flickering. excellent. a day in the life.
was today completely and totally solid? you better believe it.
mostly because i really feel like i'm actually doing something. and enjoying it. a full routine.
i completely love this. i'm not afraid to admit it.
yeah, it's not exactly easy. at the hospital especially, we literally have to love 'em and leave 'em.
but i keep loving them when i'm not with them.
and i think about my section 2 kiddies all the time.
and i feel like they're starting to recognize me from day to day.
i figure feeling a little bit of love, even if only for a short time, is better than never at all.
don't you?
sigur, da.
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