Monday, June 20, 2011

fresher than fresh.

just a few sunday pictures.

roxana came and said her goodbyes. we'll miss her.
our branch will not be the same without her. that's for sure.
(please embrace our faces shiny with sweat. haaaaa. it was hotter than hades today.
also, michael is smiling in a picture? whaaaa?)

also, i love this branch they're super cute.
and i love that i understand almost everything most days.
speaking? i don't want to talk about it. ha.

 chicken enchiladas! mmmm.

we went singing with the missionaries again this week at parcul copou!
it was fun. until we went blind from the dust being blown in our faces.
and the people leaving the park in droves.
but it was fun.
and the bus ride home was one to remember.
aka, imagine people in a bus like sardines in a can.
that good.

sora holman, sora mullen, michael, breezy, amanda, and melissa.
our singers, minus me and the elders who made a short appearance. 
one word: bus.

and that's all for this edition of 'this romanian sunday.'
super exciting, i know.
we'll just be over here sweating. and trying to sleep. but not, because it's hot.
also, t-minus seven days till we leave for our trip!
this week will go faaaast.
bring on the fun.

also, i miss my kiddies. good thing i get to see them in 9 hours. :)

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