Wednesday, June 15, 2011

i don't ever wanna let you down, i don't ever wanna leave this town.

i'm never leaving this place.
i don't really want to, that is.
i want to stay here forever.
i adore my kids.
today was a day for the memory books.
one of those days filled with moments that should be filmed and put in an ad for happiness.
that's what kind of day it was.
i love them.
and i love when the worker in my room trusts me.
and mostly, i just love my kids.
every single one.
even the ones that aren't mine, but are in the next room over.
when those that can walk run to me when they see me,
when all of them get huge grins on their faces when they see me or hear my voice as i walk towards them?
when the ones in their beds hear me in the other room, and i can hear sounds of excitement coming from there?
all of their smiles of contentment, when it is achieved?
there's nothing else in the world like it.
you can't buy feelings like this.
there's nothing like this place.
there's nothing like these kids.
i don't ever wanna leave this town.

song of the day:
it's time, by imagine dragons.

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