Tuesday, June 14, 2011

skies are blue, sunshine.

i wish i had a way to capture every thought, feeling, scent, face, pair of eyes, and emotion that i see and experience here.

i've a baby girl i'm bringing home with me. but seriously. she's been in the hospital since last friday. and is the most beautiful little thing. she couldn't be more than 6 or 8 months old, but her head is already misshapen from being in a bed laying down all the time instead of held, and her one ear is flat as well on the side of her head that is. have i ever mentioned that? a lot of the kids have this problem. one side of their head more flat than the other. especially the cerebral palsy kids. it's heartbreaking. and the thing about this baby girl, is that you can't even tell when you look at her beautiful face straight on, but any turn, you can soon see how misshapen her skull has become. it's awful. but anyway, she's the new love of my life. and i'm considering stealing her from the hospital. not that they would even notice. haaaa. kidding. kind of.

when it comes to the hospital, there are mixed feelings among all of us. but personally i quite love it. there's something exciting about the fact that you never really know what you're getting yourself into. you never know how the nurses will react to us. never know if you'll meet a new kid you adore, or if one you do adore is now gone. every day is a new adventure.

my kids know me. i had a breakthrough with one of them, starting yesterday. and he and i are good friends now. i love them. also, i really love the workers in my room.

i'm slightly attached to the kids in the other nearby room too. we spend so much time near each other, especially when we're outside together, that it's almost impossible not to be. melissa says she feels the same about my kiddies. it's nice. we have big borders for our loves. her kids are darla-arling.

our computer boy is probably the funniest kid to walk this earth. i adore working with him. we have too much fun.

i love my life. it's been overcast the past few days. since last thursday, to be exact. but today it's started to clear up, and i can tell it's going to get hot again. boy, oh boy. whatever will we do?

we have a hostel booked for bucharest! we won't be sleeping on the streets! don't worry. not that we'd ever consider that. but it's all set. now all we need are our train tickets. which will happen tomorrow. life is so exciting when mid-semester retreat is a week and a half away. :)

sorry this is so scatterbrained. i have a million thoughts when it comes to romania. every single day. most of them revolving around how neat it is. also, i'm in love with having a balcony to look out on the city. well, out at the nearby blocs. it's a perfect evening activity. which i'm about to go enjoy while writing in my journal.

i only have five and a half more weeks with my kids. six and a half more weeks in romania. when did this happen? clearly, that is not enough time.

i feel like i'm a different person now than i was before this experience. as in i've changed in little ways, mostly because i've seen so much while here, that's changed how i look at the world. and every time i think about that, it kind of freaks me out to realize i have to readjust myself to a place and a routine that is similar to before, even though now i've changed. does that make sense? anyway. just a thought. re-entry into america is going to be quite an experience. one that i'm not fully looking forward to. the shock part of it, at least. the seeing family and friends thing, i think i'll be ok with. :)

adventure is out there! every single day.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Hi. I'm a former Romania intern. I saw a link to your blog through the facebook intern page. I think Iknow what room you work in based on the "computer boy". =) I worked in the other room in 2009 (the group Rosemary was in). Enjoy Romania. As you can see, I'm one of those who can't let it go.