Saturday, June 18, 2011

sometimes i'm even jealous of myself.

while waking up early on a saturday morning after a less than restful sleep to start with is not ideal, it did give me some time to myself to read and things. and then i ate breakfast on the balcony while listening to music. i think my balcony breakfasts are the best part of my day. i kid you not. and then i started sweating like crazy, because even when it's morning, it's quite hot. so thus ended that adventure and started the day. but while it lasted, it was divine.
delicious yogurt, corn flakes, and apple juice.
life is gooood. :)
the blazing, but beautiful, sunshine.
and last, but not least. my view.

i know, right?
you wish you were me.
a breakfast of music and solitude.
don't mind if i do.

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