Saturday, June 4, 2011

let me tell you one time.

i have lots of different things i could say. so this is going to be a fun post. obviously.
so i'll say cu placere right now. [you're welcome.]

member that one time i got two of my studly boys laughing more than they ever have, just by moving their chairs forward and back and making cool sounds? plus singing the star wars theme to them. i'm thinking that was the magic. ha ha. kidding. sort of.

member that one time the worker in my room took the walking girls outside, and left me with all the rest of my kids? so naturally i lined up the chairs just outside the door to the back room where the others were on the beds. and stood in the middle of all of them singing and being funny. don't worry, i'm sure they loved it. haaaaa. or maybe i'm just a big nerd. probably that one.

member that one time all of iași got married? just kidding. just a lot of people in iași did. how do i know? because after someone gets married here, the cars with the wedding party drive down the street honking nonstop. and i've heard it many times today. it's a saturday thing. and today it's been a popular one. june 4th. sounds like a good day for a wedding to me. ha.
member that one time i got gelato at the moldova mall? best 4 lei i've ever spent. in case you were wondering, that's $1.40. yum.
member that one time i went to the hospital and spent a bunch of time with the wrinkly old man (few week old baby that has wrinkles that make him look like benjamin button) and with the girls we named? that was cool. i loved it.

member that one time i was singing to the girls with rebecca, and a gypsy girl from the next room over came in and was just sitting there. we had a nice little chat. she's 8. and is in the hospital for something related to her ears and blood. that's about all i got in that regard. and she thought the babies were adorable, which they are. it was fun. and then she asked me about a few words and how you'd say them in english, because i guess she'd learned a little bit in school. like cat, dog, boy kind of little bit. i thoroughly enjoyed it.

member that one time i wished i had pictures of my section 2 stud muffins and princesses? not that i'll ever be able to post them on here. but i want photos before i leave! and ideally more than just pictures of them. i want pictures WITH them. as well as pictures of them playing. all in due time. i've still got 7 weeks with them.

member that one time i got sick of always having to have my hair up? i know, right? and this is me we're talking about. but seriously. when you no longer have a choice about it, it's not as neat as when you choose to be lazy. even if i do wash my hair, no one would notice. always up on work days, and even if it was down, it wouldn't be for long because of the heat. sweat+heat+hair down? heck no.

member that one time i finally cracked and had american food? after the hospital yesterday we went to iulius mall on the way home. and i got mcdonalds. and because i got a menu item, i got a free 125 year celebration coca cola glass! cool, i know. the food wasn't that incredible, though. so i'm satisfied with going back to non american food. ha. except the fries. i always love mcdonald's fries. i think part of it was that the only drink options were carbonated ones. and we all know how i don't like carbonation. well, if not, then you do now. the ice cream sundae, on the other hand, was delicious. yes, i took a picture. i'm cool.
member that one time we watched anastasia while in romania, and compared everything in it to romania? even though it originally takes place in russia. don't even worry, it could have been romania. it's practically the same story of our kids.

member that one time i spent a saturday staying home and resting instead of going out exploring? part of me, while home alone, wished i had gone. but then i reveled in the alone time. no offense, group. but seriously we spend every waking moment together. so it was a nice little breather. i caught up on homework, did laundry, slept, watched the romanian news channel for awhile, hung my clothes out to dry on the clothesline on our balcony once the washer finished. you know. just a few average romanian life things.

member that one time i almost caught my hand on fire while trying to make grilled cheese, because the fire on our gas stove is so huge sometimes? that was cool.

member that one time i got shocked while pulling my clothes out of the washer? oh, right. that's every time you open the washer to take clothes out. electric shock? check. it's weird and tingly. i'm not a fan.

member that one time we made homemade cafe rio? ok, so it's not even remotely the same thing. but it was still good. it reminded me of hawaiian haystacks. mmm.

member that one time we sat in our living room laughing with our whole group, and the man who lives upstairs came down, rang our doorbell, and while smoking AND holding a baby asked us nicely to quiet down? that's called multi-tasking. we are college students, he knows. but 10 is too late for happiness.

member that one time i thought about my kids all day since i didn't get to see them, seeing as it's saturday? i miss them!

member that one time i got a little teeny maybe kind of homesick? don't worry. then i thought about how ordinary my life would be if i wasn't in romania. and i felt infinitely better. romania is infinitely better than a summer in america. i've had lots of those. how many summers in romania will i get? maybe only one.

member that one time i lived in romania? yeah. that was neat.

member that one time i realized i only have seven weeks left with my kids? aka, only eight weeks till i go home? that wasn't a fun moment.

member that one time we were working on planning our mid-semester retreat. oh, yeah. that was fun. oh wait. we're still working on that.

member that one time my hair air-dried? oh, right. ok, so that's every day. member how it's super frizzy and hilarious? oh, cool. also every day. member that one time it dried into a few perfect little ringlets on one side? yeah. don't worry. it frizzed very soon. and now my hair's kind of just puffy and curly and i don't even know what. it's cool. i'm used to it.
 member that one time i hated being in pictures by myself? and i think taking pictures of myself is super awkward? you know. every day of my life. no big deal. nbd. the usual. photobooth=awkward. you were thinking it. i said it. but you can kind of see my curl instead of the usual just wavish things! big deal, i know.

member that one time i had a whole bunch of babies that i plan to bring home with me? the list keeps getting longer, don't you fret.

member that one time i looked like a sicko every single day of my life? not that i've ever been one to care that much. let's be real. if you know me, you should probably be laughing right now. but after awhile it gets slightly ridiculous. but i still have no motivation to even care since we change into scrubs anyway. when in romania, life's hard. ha ha. good one.

member that one time i wondered about who even reads this blog, because no one ever comments on it or mentions it besides my parentals? hahaha. ok, so there are a few others. don't feel bad. but that was fun. too bad i can't even tell any real details about my kids. oh well. the teasers are just so you always want to know more so that you have to contact me privately. or so you'll want to see me when i get home so you can see pictures of my loves in person.

member that one time i don't take very many pictures anymore, because i've already taken so many, and can't take any of what i do all day? so instead you get to look at cheesy pictures of me. cool story, i know. i'll take some tomorrow, perhaps. though i did take a few on the way to the new church building last week. maybe i'll add those someday. probably after tomorrow when i have a few more from on the way to and from church.

member how the physical therapist from section 2 is getting married tomorrow? free culture proof, done and done! thanks for that, buddy.

member that one time i thought back to high school graduation? (hence the aforementioned star wars theme being sung to my kids.) yeah, that was weird. member how if you had told me then that 2 years from that date i would be in romania (ROMANIA.), i probably would have laughed in your face? oh, right. hey there, reality. life comes at you fast, yeah?

member that one time i loved my life? ok, right. so that's every single moment of every single day. i'm a lucky girl, obviously. living the dream. check marks the spot.

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