Sunday, July 17, 2011

flags and texas.

it's been 13 days since the 4th of july. i do realize this fact. i waited till now to post about it in honor of the 13 original colonies! kidding. i just have been behind, as you know.
for the day of american independence, we had to make our own celebration. it was just another day for romania. i started by singing american songs to my kids. they didn't understand a word, but it made me feel patriotic, so that's all that matters. ahaha. for fhe we decided to have an all american party, flag cake and all! i feel like the pictures are more valuable than words. and yes, we sure did sing the star spangled banner after eating our sloppy jo's and watermelon. celebrating the 4th with romanians? perfect. they didn't really fully get our excitement, but what more can we ask? they tried. and laughed at us.
i was sad to be outside the u.s. for my favorite holiday, besides christmas. i love that cheesy all-american feeling of patriotism.
god bless america. land that i love.
stand beside her, and guide her through the night with the light from above.
 our cake!

 the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

a few days later, we celebrated america again by having dinner at little texas (the american restaurant we went to on my birthday.) starting with a few pictures left for me by kylee and breezy when my camera was temporarily at scala.
naturally we spent lots of money and ate lots of food. and then had the wonderful moment of converting lei to dollars and realizing the steal of a deal we got. i love romania. ahaha. and i got the juicy burger i'd been craving. it wasn't quite american, but close enough to last me until i'm home again. :)
texas girl felt right at home. ahaha.
our dinner crew of the evening.

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