Thursday, July 21, 2011

struguri albi!

țara de origine: egipt. i bought myself green grapes a couple days ago. 3.49 lei. mmmm. egyptian grapes.

the number of things i could say about this week are innumerable. some hilarious. some tear-jerkers. mostly it's all just kind of ridiculous at this point.
a few teasers:
--the 28 year old lawyer man that we met at the pool last night who kept getting out of the water and sitting awfully close to me while i was sitting on the side of the pool. andrei. andrew. andrei. just call me andrew. he might have used the f-word more times than i've heard it said in the past year. and he insulted my kiddies. ok? no, no it's not. the time he spent talking to us ended with him flipping us off. and then later giving us his number. don't worry, michael pressed the same number over and over again when he thought we were listening. haaa.
--walking up a river home from institute tonight while the rain poured like it's done only a few times. and the wind breezed on through. it was quite the little storm. yes, we were soaked to the bone upon arriving home. haaaa.
--member how our lights haven't worked for the past three days? and though our power did come back on, it lasted less than an hour? i don't even want to talk about it. i'm sitting in the dark with wet hair as i write this. don't even fret.

sometimes i think about all the things that happen here. and all the stories that don't get told on the blog. either because i can't, or i don't want to. ha. little do you know the things that happen here. oh well. i'm still alive. i leave for america in 12 days. i'll just be over here across the pond chanting 'i love romania' to myself. and thinking about the adorable baby faces of the babies i held today. mmmmm. cutest things in the world.
p.s. my kids have been the cutest things in the known universe this week. literally. today topped it all off. i could hardly stand it they were being so cute. it was almost weird. like something was wrong. but i didn't complain. nor will i ever.

oh the stories i could tell. someday. when i'm in person and allowed to talk about it. those reading the blog, i apologize. i realized lately that what i put on the blog is only a small fraction of knowing anything about what we do every day and the things we experience. oopsay. i've got to have some sort of something exciting to say when i get home and people ask me about this place, don't i? otherwise no one will care to ask. ok, just kidding. they still might not really care about things when/if they ask. but it's better than nothing. haaaa. and if nothing else, at least me and my group know of all our funny stories. heaven knows we have a million of them. bahaha. oh romania. you kill me.

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