Saturday, July 9, 2011

nu este voie.

another week has passed. which means we have three weeks and a few days before we board an airplane. uhhh what? that's so short.

reasons why i have a love/hate relationship with having a computer again:
--i get to chat with fam bamily or laursy more frequently.
--i can catch up on looking at stevie's peru pictures.
--looking at said pictures can make me miss brothers. and family (extended included). and how funny they are.
--looking longer makes me compare peru to romania and realize how much i love my romania for how different it is. and how i like my simple life here. and don't want it to change again.
--more frequent contact with outside world makes me think about home more often. and going home. and how great it will be to be home in utah.
--my desire to be on the computer at all has wavered. i'm in romania, duh. so much cooler than anything anyone else is doing. i kind of liked the isolation from the world for the most part that i had when i hardly ever could check emails. not that i have that much free time now to check. but more than before, that's for sure.
--i remember how much i hate the time difference. and the fact that my entire day is done before america even wakes up.
--catching up on organizing all the pictures on my hard drive from while i didn't have a computer to put them on. i'm almost there. kind of.
--i don't have an excuse anymore for being slow to update my blog about the trip. or about anything. or reply to emails. my only excuse is that i don't like being on the computer very long. since being on it for such short spurts for a month, i can't handle it for very long anymore. i'm ok with that.

and on that note, i leave this hall (and you) for my internetless bedroom/the front room. maybe i'll go back to sleep. (this waking up earlier than normal on saturdays thing needs to stop.) maybe i'll sit in the sunbeam shining through my window. maybe i'll go through pictures. maybe i'll listen to music. my options are endless. and i am in romania. cool? you bet.

also, today is super busy. i'm exhausted already. some of which includes a baptism. an open house at the church. shopping. and concerts at the cultural palace that will be huuuuge. it's a big deal, apparently.

bon jovi is in bucharest tomorrow in constitution square. which is right outside the parliament palace. i've been there. though i won't be there tomorrow. obviously. speaking of artists at parliament palace. member that time michael jackson was in bucharest and said 'hello, budapest!' off of the balcony at parliament palace. they love that story. bahaha.

i like that i'm used to the routine of living here. and yesterday on the way to the hospital i was thinking about what it would be like to live in a place where everyone was speaking english and i could understand everything. i could go to a store, the cashier could say something, and i would understand. it boggles my mind. i forgot there was a world like that. where the amount to which i understand any given conversation varies.

some days are better language days than others. as far as understanding and speaking and being able to generally communicate. yesterday was not so good. haaa.

i think i'm almost used to smoke. more than i used to be at least. considering everyone and their dog smokes here, it was bound to happen. the workers, the nurses, the people on the street. but really. all time low: the day in brasov that my jacket smelled like smoke at the end of the day. gross.

i love my kiddies. i hate that my room is full of neglected reject kids that are never really going anywhere. it's sad. i hate that there's such unfair treatment among the kids in section 2. i love my kids and playing outside.

i don't like going to the hospital as much as i used to. it's a problem. and i'm not sure why. i'm working on it. i think the fact that i keep telling myself my time is so short is helping. because i know i'll miss all the stupid little things when i get home. like the opportunity to hold babies for as long as i want in a three hour window, and the nurses on the 5th floor that are so nice. i like nice nurses at the hospital. it's not exactly commonplace.

i think this past week was a slight slump as far as the work goes in our group. but the fact that starting monday means 13 more days with our kids/2.5 weeks? we're on the downhill slide. and now we're getting to the steep part. here we goooooo.

p.s. we're going to harry potter at midnight next week. which comes out a day earlier in europe than in the us. add the time difference to that? by early wednesday evening in utah, i will have already seen the final film moments of the harry potter saga. it's ok to be jealous. the levels to which me and my comrades are excited for wednesday night are indescribable. miercuri, la ora 23:59.

i failed on the leaving when i said i was going to. that moment is now.
as the romanians say:
pa pa, sănătate, la revedere.
literally. i can hear a voice in my head saying that. i guess you'll just have to imagine it to yourself.
until i can say it for you in person or over the phone. in 24 days!

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