Thursday, July 28, 2011

i believe in miracles.

something indescribable is happening right now.
a miracle, of sorts.

last night, one of the interns from last semester contacted me, wondering if i was in her room/to see how the kidlets are doing if it is the same room. you must know, i have mixed feelings about this. up to this point, i try to forget about the fact that there are other americans that have had a similar experience. i like to think romania is our own. however, my mind has now been changed.
while i do still kind of like the idea that our experience is unique, there's something to be said for combining our unique and tender experiences into something incredible for a child's benefit. most of all, having this happen without either of us knowing, until now when i'll soon be headed home.
and tonight, i'm learning that this is exactly what happened. magic for a child, because both those interns and i were willing to throw ourselves out here and give our hearts to our kids.

a miracle.
a beautiful, indescribable miracle.
for us, at least.
and for our boy.
it's all coming together, and it's completely beautiful.

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