Thursday, July 14, 2011

i've seen better days.

i'm really bad at this updating anyone on what i do here thing.

this week has been one of the longest of my life. literally. which is slightly disconcerting considering i was expecting it to at least feel a little faster. but between the deathly hallows heat (i've seriously never sweated so much in all my life. and the nevers can sweat i'll tell you that. i hear it's a greek thing. anyway. i've got steve beat. that's how scary it is sometimes. don't worry mom. i drink tons of water.) and a bunch of things going on, it's been a long one.

today was kind of a rough one. i'm not even going to try and lie or cover it up as better. probably one of my worst here. if not the worst. not that any one thing was unmanageable. mostly that it all combined into one today. and no, i don't really want to talk about it. mostly because i can't even talk about most of it on here. but i did just send lauren one of the longest emails that the internet has ever seen, so we'll just go with that for now.
and after a conversation with a gypsy woman in the hospital that restored my confidence in my language abilities that have been lacking lately, ending the day with chocolate chip cookies at the branch, gilmore girls, and early bedtime, i'm feeling much better. i just keep telling myself i only have 9 days left of work. 9. i can do that, right? we'll see.

sometimes i wonder if i'm even doing any good here. and today was one of those days that i wondered that on top of a million other things going wrong. and being tired. it wasn't good. obviously. but tonight at the branch while talking to the soras, it sunk in how short our time is. so i'll just keep reminding myself of that. don't worry. i still love my kids. and the workers in my room. and section 2. and the hospital. and romania. but that doesn't mean i have to like them all the time.

mostly, i just would like this week to be over. please and thank you. and maybe the heat and humidity to chill out. that would be cool too. every night i lay on my little couch and sweat until i can finally fall asleep. and then i wake up to sweat. and spend the day sweating. it's gross.
tomorrow is friday! saturday we might try to go swimming. and in the afternoon the branch is having a picnic in 'venice.' haha. they think they're so funny. i'll let you know how that goes. i'm super excited for the break. and the sleeping time. harry potter was excellent. but i'm starting to feel the effects of our midnight showing. my eyes are hanging heavy right now.

i apologize for the scattered nature of this. and the fact that i've said everything and nothing at all. mostly with the nothing at all. i think i've confused myself. maybe i'm just tired? hmmm. oh well. i hope it made sense. if not. let me know. and i'll try to explain. yeah? yeah.

also, someday i'll plug my hard drive in when i'm blogging and show some pictures. i'm really behind in that regard too. that's what the weekend is for. i solemnly swear i'm up to no good. and that i'll catch up this weekend. and give a better update with pictures when i'm more coherent than i am right now.

final note: steven william flies home tomorrow from peru. if a plane had showed up in front of me at any point during most of today, i would have hopped on and never looked back. don't worry, i've calmed down. but i am a little jealous.

i find holding babies very relaxing. especially this certain little girl in the hospital right now. she's very therapeutic for me.

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