Monday, May 23, 2011

peppers, cakes, bites, and scratches.

at church yesterday, i understood a whole bunch. it was exciting, obviously.

we had stuffed peppers and cake balls for dinner and dessert together. delish. yep, i just said it.

last night i got to chat with fam bam! super exciting. and also kind of weird. just chillin' in my hallway that has internet talking into a computer. such is life.

i may or may not spend 5-10 minutes every night before i fall asleep giving myself a pep talk. and convincing myself that a creepy romanian is not going to climb onto our balcony and jump through the windows and kill me. or rather, make me die of fright. literally, death by terror. maybe it really does impact why i'm always so tired? i'm stressin out. ha. but never fear. the big moon the past few nights helped. last night was just dark. don't worry, i'm getting better. though my room is creepy in the dark.
member how when i was little, i was convinced my picture books turned into owls that would peck my eyes out in the dark? the shadows are freaky. obviously. and then when the light got turned on, they magically became picture books again. that's how the cabinets in my front room are. things could be hiding in them. like monsters. just sayin.

i went outside with some of my kiddies today! even though they scream a fair amount in some regards, especially in the process of getting outside, they totally love it. even if it's secretly. it was great.

and then today kylee and me and melissa got trained more fully on working with one of the kids at section 2 on the computer, which we had started learning about while still in provo. excellent. i'm super excited to start working with it.

one of my kiddies has a strong jaw. well, all the kids are awfully strong. but this one definitely has been getting good calcium for strong bones. and it's working well on her jaw and teeth. because they have some serious clamping power. that is all i have to say about that. ha.

i've concluded that after this summer i'll forever have permanent random scars on my hands. it's fine. i'm used to it. ha.

good thing my kids are completely adorable. and completely perfect. they would never be naughty. they smile and giggle, and love to swing. ok, so that's a lie. we're working on the naughty things. never fear.

i feel like i've been here more than just two weeks. tonight it will be an official two full weeks. time goes fast, eh? but it's been a full two weeks as well. and this is only just the beginning! thrilling.

just a quickie update. more later. perhaps.

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