Saturday, May 21, 2011

two hundred??

member this place?
today, michael, roslyn, amanda, and me had some fun in preparing for our sunday dinner. it's our turn for the main course, and scala 1 will bring dessert. welp, let's just say that every seller in that market knows us at this point. ha. we had some fun.
280 is not 280 lei. it's 28. never fear. haaaahahahaha.
parsley. bagged? fresh? no? yes? oh shoot. we needed that.
five cents?? fifty. nice try.
i had some raw meat on the change from when we bought meat. siickkk.
all in all, a successful day, eh? haahaha. and there are some flowers, i think they're peonies? and they are completely stunning, and all over the streets and market the past few days. never fear. tonight i finally bought a little vase type thing, so i can buy flowers! this is super exciting. just saying.
after a bit of cooking, a few of us wandered around all over iași. visited a few churches, did lots of people watching. super great. i love this place. and i love that i'm starting to know my way around. to some extent, at least. it's a beautiful place.
yes that is a gold roof. neat? i know.
so this dog was just sitting in the middle of this one way street. that cars go a million miles an hour on. haaa. so the girl pulled him out. then again, cars go a million miles an hour on every road. i would never drive here. ever. i'd die. fast.
 my favorite road in romania so far. it's so quaint, and just barely off the way from a main road. i love it.
and i may or may not have a thing for tree-lined streets.
and tonight most of our big group did some wandering around one of the nicest malls i've ever seen. there's a waterfall wall in it. crazy, huh? iulius mall. we had dinner and then did some exploring. also, they had some way cute things. but never in my life would i pay that much for anything. sooo yeah. but still.
and now we're watching star trek. nerday. but i like it a lot. it reminds me of when i was little and my brothers would watch the tv show. call me nerd all you want. i secretly love it. just like my love of star wars that started young thanks to my brothers and the ricks cousins. member how we used to watch like all of them every new years eve? haaha. i do. i used to hate it. but then loved it. such is life.
life here in romania? grand. just plain grand.
it's soaked in now that i actually live here. it's kind of crazy. i took a trillion pictures my first few days. and then stopped. because while i loved everything, it seemed so normal. and like i already had a picture of things. but today i definitely did some good work in making up for the week. but we'll see.
there are crosses up on the mountain. it reminds me of what i've heard about that they have in brazil.
anyway. i love this place.

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